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A Voice To the Voiceless

Every day we wake to clean homes, happily fed children, and clothes on the line. This is possible because of the pre-agreed terms of work with our domestic workers as soon as they arrive in our homes. They come to work for a better living and to improve their livelihoods, yet they remain undervalued.

Picture this, a family of four—two parents and two children—enjoys a smooth day-to-day life thanks to these amazing people in our homes. Without them, a lot would go wrong. We give them names and titles; out there, they are house managers/nannies, yet at home, the title seems to be of no value. They are our modern slaves, afraid of eating or drinking something lest they are caught and reprimanded for it. We make it feel like they are not worthy to even be in our homes. What a paradox!

As insignificant as they seem to some, they are true economy drivers. Picture this: how many working parents would be able to report to their day jobs if they did not have help at home? Despite this, we still pay them low wages, make them work long, unregulated hours, and treat them poorly. If that was how your employer treated you, would you like that? It begs the question: why do we treat them so badly? Some employers even confiscate their identification documents, deny them food, beat them, sexually assault them, terminate their employment without notice, and let's not forget the verbal abuse that goes on. Doesn’t this violate basic human rights?

Domestic workers need to be respected and dignified for the work that they do. As employers, we need to shift our mindset to a more caring and humanistic approach towards our domestic workers at home. Try to give them a contract of work like we receive at our workstations, clearly stating the terms of work and payment. What they do is an official job; they are not casual laborers. Allow them to have freedom, allow them to keep their documents, and be humane. June 16th is Domestic Workers Day, a day to celebrate these amazing people in our homes. Our house managers are the core of our lives. Educate them if you are able to, up skill them so that their lives can be better even after they leave your home. Lives are better when everyone is happy. Correct them with love, treat them with care, because they take care of our most precious things—our children.

Educating employers and domestic workers on the importance of cultivating inclusive and supportive environments. Establishing a community dedicated to fostering positive transformations.








Awards Won

Our Motivation

Our Contribution to Society and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Poverty Eradication

Poverty eradication remains one of the most critical global challenges. However, a powerful solution lies in sustainable job employment. y creating opportunities for individuals to secure meaningful work, we can pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future for all.

Gender Equality

Empowering women through job employment is central to our mission. Myhauzhelp provides a platform for women to access dignified work, fostering gender equality at both the household and societal levels.

Decent Work and Economic growth

We enable families to find reliable help while ensuring fair wages and proper working conditions for housemaids, contributing to decent work and sustainable economic growth.

Societal Impact

Societal Impact

What is Transformed For Better?

Transformed for Better is Myhauzhelp's mission-driven initiative designed to educate employers on fostering positive and effective working relationships with their domestic workers. Through Transformed for Better, we aim to reshape the prevailing narrative around domestic and childcare work. Our commitment is to educate employers on creating welcoming and supportive environments that go beyond the conventional employer-employee dynamic.

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Transfomed for Better : Employer Edition

The eagerly awaited day had finally arrived – our very first workshop at Myhauzhelp! A gathering of over 30 women filled the room with anticipation, all eager to engage in enriching discussions encompassing the realms of motherhood, nutrition, household management, and basic first aid for infants and children.

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Social Development Programmes

Our commitment is to educate employers on creating welcoming and supportive environments that go beyond the conventional employer-employee dynamic. We strive to ensure that domestic workers not only fulfill their tasks but also thrive in their roles. Our vision is to cultivate a community of #TRANSFORMEDFORBETTER employers, fostering a culture of understanding, respect, and empowerment for all domestic workers.

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What Our Clients Say About Us!

Don't take our word for it - here's what our clients say:

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